If your employer gives this laptop you don’t have to worry about layoffs … #thinkpad
@nixCraft I have a colleague in love with Thinkpads, can't understand why, what is this about? What is special in Thinkpad?
@nulll @nixCraft I'm currently on a 2012 TP, model T530. It dropped on the floor from tables about 80cm/1m high, some plastic got broke, but the screen is perfect, so is the keyboard, the 8GB ram are still there. I just replaced the HDD for a Samsung SSD 860 EVO 1TB a few years back, because, well. The more years I get, the less patient I am.
As of now, there are two main reasons that would make me change it: the weight, about 3kg; and the batteries which are well, tired, and weight an additional 0,5kg... And only permits about 1h30 without juice.
But I love: the unbreakable stuff, the the 15" screen and its "big" keyboard (great for my fat fingers), and after 12 years, it still does what it should. I don''t need more cpu power, ram or whatever... Just a lighter one :/
@Lulukaros @nixCraft ahahahajaja
@nulll @nixCraft They used to be the best quality devices you could buy. I have a T60 that survived near a fire. Part of the case melted, and jammed the cdrom, but aside from that, it still works. On top of that I never had to perform shenanigans to get im them working with Linux. Quality has deteriorated over the years, though. At work, we’ve had to repair every 3rd T480, and literally every single T14 we have.
@nulll @nixCraft
One of the first things I think of is their durability. Having owned several thinkpads, both T and P series, I can say they are built like tanks. Then there's also the keyboard which has a nice feel. The battery life is pretty good too, even out of second/third hand thinkpads. And the thinkpads most people love tend to be very easy to dismantle and upgrade.
And they run Arch very well ;)