After being in #Scuttlebutt and #NOSTR decentralized social media, now I'm exploring the #Fediverse with #Mastodon. Just saying hi!
@offray hi!! How was nostr?
@geoma It is interesting and I'll be using it for other projects, hopefully pretty soon. I'm in the Fediverse because I want to talk with people that is not in the self-owned identity sites (like #Nostr and #Scuttlebutt) and I barely stand how shittier #Twitter is becoming as time passes, since Elon's acquisition.
@offray yeah twitter is a no-go...but I am curious about nostr. I think technically it makes sense but haven't been able to talk with many people, the fediverse somehow feels warmer
@geoma The big issue for me is that seems that you can not be pro #Nostr and anti #Bitcoin there (or just a Bitcoin nihilist). A lot of "welcoming bitcoiners" are going to attack if you express a funded critic to Bitcoin or will try to "evangelize" you on their position. Mastodon seems warmer because is more diverse and promotes diversity, for example of topics and people, instead of an unique convergent future powered by Bitcoin, like Nostr.
@offray when you say Bitcoin you mean Bitcoin or Cryptocurrencies in general? Now I am interested in your personal opinion about BTC and Cryptos, would be glad to hear about it. Thanks!
@offray bueno y puede ser en castellano si prefieres
@geoma Me refiero particularmente a Bitcoin y lo que llamo las criptodivisas "ecocidas" en las que una innecesaria cantidad de energía y recursos de cómputo/conectividad se usan en matener "consensos globales". Otras formas de criptodivisas más ecológicas y locales serían posibles. Éstas últimas, en cambio, me parecen positivas.
@offray tienes alguna en particular que te guste? qué tal ETH?
@offray @geoma offray is right here. nostr is my go to account. Nostr has a built in Bitcoin connection so users tend to send you money for posts instead of likes. they are big on freedom of speech and nostr is censorship resistant. its very new so its only been recently growing into diverse topics. one benefit is it can also bridge into mastodon (fediverse) and bluesky. ive been there for a while and can connect you with communities if you are interested. let me know