"Knock, knock"
"Who's there?"
"Ah who?"
"Werewolves of London"
@ogili Of all the gin-joint #dadjokes in all the virtual #ListeningClub venues in this crazy world... you pick one close enough to my heart to rip my lungs out, Jim!
@vinomadic I love that joke so much tho. The only bad thing about it is the one person I want to tell it to has been dead almost 21 years. The same person who brought me up on jokes like 'shall I tell you the story about the 3 holes in the ground?' 'well... well... well' (which I found infuriating as a 5 year old, because my father would walk away with a smirk, having not actually told me a bloody story), and played me Werewolves Of London when I was little.