Excited to present the first playtest of my tabletop wargame using LEGO spaceships. It's still a very early prototype, but it was a ton of fun. I ran this as a solo game in BrickLink Studio; here's the deployment, with an EDSC Lance and Voulge across from a Khuraltan Steelhead and Barracuda. (1/8) #LEGO #tabletop #wargaming
Round 1: The Khuraltans won initiative, and the Barracuda moved under a Course Adjustment order. The Voulge and Steelhead followed suit. The Lance then opted for a Full Burn to get the Steelhead in range of its heavy guns, but missed both shots needing 6+ to hit. (2/8)
Round 2: The Steelhead's heavy guns missed the Voulge. The Lance returned fire, scoring 2 hits and 1 damage. Without heavy weapons, the Barracuda lacked the range to get involved and so continued to circle the fight, while the Voulge scored 3 hits and 1 more damage on the Steelhead. (3/8)
Round 3: With all its guns now in range, the Steelhead scored 4 flanking hits, doing 2 damage to the Lance. The Lance got in behind for 2 damage in return. The Barracuda contributed a whopping 6 hits and 3 damage to the Lance. Finally, the Voulge put another 1 damage on the Steelhead. (4/8)
Round 4: The Steelhead put another 3 damage into the Lance, crippling it. The Voulge split its fire, as only its tracking weapons could target the Steelhead (for 0 damage). Its heavy guns did 1 damage to the Barracuda, which traded back in kind (forgot the tokens). The Lance limped away. (5/8)
Round 5: Wasn't sure if the Khuraltans should go first again, but a rolled d6 went in their favor. The Steelhead dealt 4 damage to the Voulge, which in turn put 3 onto the Barracuda. A Station Keeping move allowed the Barracuda to turn 90° and finish off the Voulge. Pretty much over now. (6/8)
Round 6: The crippled Lance completed its escape; this'll earn the EDSC player a few victory points in consolation. The Voulge had no such chance, and is likely to be captured after the battle. Despite the heavy damage sustained, I'd say this was a major victory for the Khuraltan Alliance! (7/8)
Overall, things are working as I'd hoped so far: quick, engaging, and fun. The playtest highlighted a few issues, and there are still lots of more advanced rules and abilities to test out. With any luck you'll have enjoyed this battle report, as I hope to do more later as I develop this further.