#introduction Welcome to the Open Science Monitoring Initiative! OSMI aims to encourage the adoption of #OpenScience monitoring principles and to promote their practical implementation.
OSMI is an original idea from the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, the Université de Lorraine and @inria
Other initiators of OSMI include @unesco, @ChariteBerlin, @PLOS, and SPARC Europe.
OSMI is coordinated by the Université de Lorraine, SPARC Europe, and UNESCO.
Monitoring Open Science globally is an important step to ensure that research systems grow fairer and more equitable, diverse and inclusive.
Working together, OSMI and our stakeholders worldwide can build a monitoring system that matches the values and principles of Open Science.
OSMI advances principles for Open Science monitoring based on relevance, transparency, reproducibility, self-assessment, and responsible use.
Find out more on our website https://open-science-monitoring.org/principles/
Before setting global principles for Open Science monitoring, we’d like to hear from you. #osmi and @unesco welcome your input on the Draft Principles for Open Science Monitoring.
The Draft Principles work toward OSMI’s goal to provide a common, global framework for monitoring Open Science.
Please send your feedback to osmi@unesco.com by 30 November 2024.
Find out more on the UNESCO website: https://www.unesco.org/en/articles/call-inputs-global-consultation-draft-principles-open-science-monitoring