@georgetakei The ringer is only turned on for meetings that need to be cut short;-))
@pait @georgetakei I've slyly set an alarm with my phone call ringtone once or twice to get out of a meeting
@catmisgivings @georgetakei Before electronics Lyndon Johnson used a mechanical alarm wristwatch for this purpose. A Vulcain Cricket - no relation to either Mr Spock or the dog viciously killed by a politician.
@pait @georgetakei I just don't understand how that makes Lyndon Johnson jump up and say, "Sorry, but I've really gotta take this"
@catmisgivings @georgetakei Lyndon Johnson wouldn't apologize saying he needed to go. Lyndon Johnson would thank the person saying their time was over.
That's why he was the boss, while you are a good person and I'm just someone who wears my father-in-law's old watch.