if i wanted a machine that natively runs System 7 and doesnt take up a lot of space, which ones would you suggest to look for? #MARCHintosh
@ahihi SE, SE/30, Quadra 605 aka LC 475 are all good candidates.
@paulrickards thanks! as lovely as the built-in CRTs are, im thinking i would prefer a pizza box or tower form factor so i can use my existing VGA displays. the Quadra 605 looks like an option
@ahihi They’re great and can be software overlocked too! And you can replace the 68LC040 with a full ‘040.
The latest and highest-spec computer that Apple released that used a 68040 and was compatible with System 7 was the Quadra 630, and the Quadra 800. The 630 had a 33 MHz M68040, and could take up to 52 MB of RAM. It was a desktop model, so much smaller than the Quarda 800, which was a larger tower model. But the Quadra 800 had better disk performance, and could install up to 136 MB of RAM.
The 630 could also take a card with a 80486 DX (running at 66 MHz, ironically twice the clock rate of the host system), and run MS-DOS for you.
I would love to buy myself one of these, with the 80486 DX extension.