@nicholas_saunders @alexlubertozzi @Nonilex
I’m disagreeing with 2 specific points:
>> The SCOTUS has to be the last word.
No they don’t HAVE to be. They are NOT kings. We’ve just let them be. “I don’t think there’s much to be gained with a hearing at this point [regarding #Alito]” said Dick #Durbin https://mastodon.social/@rameshgupta/112516099326847527
>> All branches are equally equal. The judicial is just more equal
That’s self-contradictory. I disagree with 2nd part. #DOJ must at least TRY to enforce federal law.
@nicholas_saunders @alexlubertozzi @Nonilex
#Durbin’s defeatist attitude in statement above— “I don’t think there’s much to be gained with a hearing at this point [regarding #Alito]”— is emblematic of the fatalism in the #DemocraticParty from the TOP-down. It has been that way since at least 2000.
Despite full knowledge of #Trump amid warnings by #Hillary, #MichelleObama just gave Trump a side-eye while Prez #Obama’s #DOJ let the snake slither in. #Biden’s DOJ had to be “jolted” into action
@nicholas_saunders @alexlubertozzi @Nonilex
>> Despite full knowledge of #Trump amid warnings by #Hillary, #MichelleObama just gave Trump a side-eye while Prez #Obama’s #DOJ let the snake slither in. #Biden’s DOJ had to be “jolted” into action
How is it that Obama’s #FBI launched a presidency-destroying investigation of Hillary #Clinton days before #Election2016?
How did #Biden’s DOJ fail to announce investigation of #GinniThomas and the lot even after being “jolted” by #Jan6Committee?
@nicholas_saunders @alexlubertozzi @Nonilex
>> How did #Biden’s DOJ fail to announce investigation of #GinniThomas and the lot even after being “jolted” by #Jan6Committee?
Even in face of #clearAndPresentDanger, Biden chose to forego a precious opportunity to appoint a hard-charging person like #Schiff or #Raskin from his OWN party, and appointed a lethargic #virtueSignaling #Republican as #AttorneyGeneral who would not announce investigations and require ALL evidence preserved during inv.