Who are these drivers that yell out their window about how you should use the bike lane? This bike lane full of gravel? Have they ever used a bike?
Better shot of the license plate, looks like CPP4045, I'm not sure of the state, WA? #DriverAccountability
@enobacon It looks like a WA plate, and if it matters, it is a pretty new registration.
@daihard oh, what's the sequence like? Is it just iterating through three letters and then incrementing numbers? The Oregon ones are NNNXXX and currently PXX, that newness frequently tells a little about what to expect from a driver.
@enobacon Yeah that's how it goes here as well. We used to have "NNN LLL" where NNN were numbers and LLL were letters. We ran out of combinations around 2010 and switched to the current "LLLNNNN" sequence.
@enobacon @daihard Def a WA plate. I got in the habit of playing the license plate game while skating around NYC a few years ago, and could identify many plates at a distance of 20 yards while in motion. WA is IIRC the only state that has the state name flush left at the top of the plate, plus it has that Mt Rainier background.
NY is also doing the XXXNNNN iteration thing. We're nearly done with the LXXNNNN sequence, and I expect to see plates starting with M by summer.