*waves* Hey! You can call me Robyn or RobynEatsEverything or REE or slut, if you're feeling nasty.
Here are a bundle of hashtags which help to describe me: #nonbinary, #pansexual, #polyamorous, #plussize, #sexpositive, #sexblogger, #audioporncreator.
I write about #sex, #relationships, and #bodies over on https://robyneatseverything.com There's lots of delicious #smut over there, as well as some funny shit and serious feels about my #eatingdisorder and #recovery.
I'm also frequently smutty and a bit of an #exhibitionist on main; you'll become pretty familiar with my tits, if you'd like to be.
And I like to slag off Tories.
@robyneatseverything one of my favourite twitter people! This place starts to feel like home already
@drewrowan_nsfw Aww, welcome!