Anyway, what I wanted to share is that in iOS Safari the user can “Hide Toolbar”, which retracts the browser UI and increases the viewport height (from 100svh to 100lvh).
This is HUGE for web games and other web apps that are not designed to scroll.
No other iOS browser has this option, AFAIK.
Just as I thought that I finally found a use-case for 100dvh*, another false alarm. Safari actually grows the ICB when the user manually hides the toolbar. This is unprecedented.
*The use-case would be this: page that doesn’t scroll + user chooses Hide Toolbar = height: 100dvh ensures the page stays full height.
@simevidas isn't Safari the only actual browser on iOS? I thought the others were just Safari wearing another browser's skin.
@lucas I view them as separate browsers that have the same browser engine. Like how in Formula 1, the teams Ferrari, Haas, and Alfa Romeo have the same Ferrari motor. They’re still three separate teams.