Going through my Blood Bowl photo album on my phone… At one very ambitious moment a few years ago I started sculpting and making molds for tiles to use in a fully custom made modular dungeon-themed Blood Bowl pitch but I ran out of steam (and ultracal) trying to make a million tiles and then kind of forgot about it. Should still have that mold here somewhere… #bloodbowl
@skudfisher that’s good stuff right there!
I’m in the same boat… painted a complete set of tiles to laser engrave for a custom Dungeonbowl setup. At least I used some of those for the Gutterbowl pitch.
@lenni I sadly have a number of half finished projects like this laying around. I do tend to *eventually* get back to some of them. Usually at the most random moment whole neck deep in some other project
@skudfisher This is the way