Fediverse newbies
You don't need to be on the same instance as the people you follow!!!
Lots of people get confused about this!! VT Social and other Fedi instances aren't like separate Twitter clones, it's all one big network! You can follow anyone anywhere!
For example, VT Social is for VTubers and creators themselves, but if you just want to follow me or other people on the instance, you can create an account on any other one and do it! Just paste my ID (@lina) into the search box on your instance and click follow!
@lina on that note, fix the follow button, it's broken for separate fedies, you have it show login instead the @user@fedi screen
@spider623 What do you mean exactly? Remote follow? A screenshot would be helpful ^^
@spider623 @lina Read the "On a different server" section........................
The UI you said you should be getting is the old Mastodon 3 UI. The one you're getting on vt.social is the Mastodon 4 UI
@spider623 @lina It says "the search bar of your favourite app or the web interface where you are signed in"
@spider623 @lina that’s normal right? that’s what it should show?
@dylanchapell @spider623 Yeah, that's normal! You have to follow from your own server, that's why the right hand side tells you to copy and paste the ID ^^