Apple acquiring Pixelmator has been on my bingo cards for a good 5 years
@stroughtonsmith hope they don't treat it the same way google does software
@takeitev @stroughtonsmith stuff like Workflows did well under Apple
@stroughtonsmith I’ve really enjoyed not having Photoshop installed for the last ~5 years. I hope that good things come of this.
@stroughtonsmith Hoping for the best but definitely a bit concerned by the news.
@david @stroughtonsmith Likewise. Pixelmator Pro is my go-to for practically everything image-editing related.
@stroughtonsmith I think the first change #Apple will make is a name change 'Apple Photos Pro' or resurrect the #Aperture brand.
@stroughtonsmith Not something I suspected. Not a bad things though.
The ideal situation seem to be if the Pixelmafor team gets to speak for the “real application” viewpoint to OS and Services teams to show good practices.
@stroughtonsmith Happy the people that make good software are (hopefully) getting paid well!
As a user, this is crap news as the likely result is Apple screwing it up or giving us some milquetoast version that gets updated on a very slow schedule. I hope I'm wrong, but in my view, this is sadly not going to end well for the users…
@stroughtonsmith Well now, this is fascinating. Adobe best watch out.