You know GIMP has saved my ass many times but seeing people recommending it on 2024 is somewhat crazy given it hasn't really been revamped in ages... the only thing I want is serif to make affinity products work in linux #linux
These days I just throw some money for #photopea dirtcheap and I get more mileage out of it that's like my recommendation for anyone looking into image manipulation these days
@talesofaprinny when… scratch it, if one day photopea is as old as the gimp is today, the gimp will have turned 42 and i'm sure it'll still be useful.
«hasn't been revamped in ages» — omg, what's with people wanting to constantly «revamp» things that work? the gimp has been stably, predictably maturing, adding things bit by bit over years, all's good.
having said that, don't see any problems wirh people paying for peas :-)