I always get excited for #MARCHintosh but the month comes and goes without really doing anything because I don’t have a dedicated space to tinker.
So I’m giving myself the project of cleaning and reclaiming the finished attic room that this stuff lives in.
It’s not much but if I have some things plugged in and ready to go any time, maybe I can sneak some time to do something with it like join #GlobalTalk.
For your enjoyment here’s is a clean set of shelves and a Classic II on top. Baby steps!
What remains of the Apple stickers that came with my family’s first computer, the LC 475. #MARCHintosh
The Macintosh SE/30 is generally regarded as the ultimate compact Mac, but when it comes to looks I prefer the Classic and Classic II. It’s just… chefs kiss. #MARCHintosh
@dmnelson Love my Mac Classic II. Still have it; no ADB mouse or keyboard, though.
@tantramar I have a mouse and keyboard but mine hasn’t been recapped so I’m afraid to use it without getting that taken care of first.
@dmnelson Oh, I harbour no illusions about this thing ever booting again. It’s the Mac I cut my teeth on, though, so it has a place of honour.