Just in time for Christmas: My full yacht rock tune production!
(Apologies in advance for my expressionless and phraseless vocal performances - it's all in good fun, hopefully! )
@terjefjelde I’ll listen later but for now, I love the cover image.
@mcmullin Thanks, David!
I'm pretty happy with the musical backdrop now, but I'll probably redo the vocals. It's never a good sign when you turn them down in the mix to hide the flaws (especially in the chorus)!
I hope you like yacht rock and enjoy my attempt for what it is, though!
I’d heard the words “yacht rock” before but was never sure quite what they referred to. Now I know! Yes, this has a very specific kind of mellow, sunny, tipsy 70s mood and sound that I recognize instantly—right down to the sax solo—you nailed it.
@mcmullin Thank you, David! Yeah, I have a long-lasting love affair with this kind of music, so that was fun to do!
I posted too soon, though - I spent today smoothing edges and adding support for the chorus vocals, so it's far more satisfying for me to listen to now.
But I guess I might be the only one who would hear the difference - the little imperfections is often all I can hear in my own work!