"Don't call GOP voters stupid."
I've known a lot of GOP voters from my ex-family, of course.
When it comes to everyday things, sure they aren't stupid. When it comes to daily life activities, their jobs, etc., they're not stupid. Mostly.
When it comes to actually understanding other human beings, the impact of their own actions upon themselves, and a host of other topics relating to things of a sociological nature?
They're quite often as dumb as a box of bricks.
I mean look, when you grow up in a subculture that is focused on socializing a person to hate and fear everyone and everything that strays outside of a narrow white, middle of the road, bland norm, you cut people off from learning about other human beings.
When you grow up on a diet of hate filled conspiracy theory like explanations of human beings' lives outside of your narrow part of the world, that engenders a kind of trained stupidity about people and how societies function.
And that was the culture I was born into. From cradle to grave, you are surrounded by people who believe some of the stupidest ideas about people outside of their narrow realm of experience, and those ideas are presented as and believed to be a rock solid representation of reality.
That's not an environment that encourages very much deep thought about other human beings.
It just isn't.
@orangelantern Somehow, that doesn't surprise me. Oh my.
@timberwraith fucking sociopaths... that's what they are.
Or to paraphrase TheTanfather, they're just nasty people.
Spiteful fucks.
@timberwraith This sounds quite similar to the socialization (or lack thereof) found in casteist households. Incredibly lazy people who hate the fact that humanity is incredibly diverse, different, and will never be an entity that can be easily pigeonholed. They can't accept the fact that people will make them feel and think things that they may possibly dislike, and can't seem to fathom that it is possible to grow, develop, and mature that it is possible to appreciate people beyond the strict, narrow confines of caste. Instead, they rigidly clutch and cling to their toy, choosing to understand all of reality through the distorted, delusional lens of caste.
@manas_ Nothing really surprises me at this point. [sigh]
I would've gone with "box of rocks", but your point is hard Yul argue.
I've discovered the same thing.