NEW POST: The January Slump
Coming into the last throes of January, a lot of that New Year's enthusiasm has been zapped from my psyche. A couple of weeks back at work will do that to you.
@timklapdor What you need is the supportive structure of Bloggers Anonymous, it’s like a shotgun for the soul :)
@jimgroom @timklapdor Seems like the January ritual is writing about dealing with January! I gotta say as someone who owns an old tractor, that video of starting that mint condition 1940s machine with lighting a shotgun shell was beyond amazing (plus the guy's expression). And contrary to the usual public opinion, the YouTube comments are as rich as the video.
@timklapdor Also, I have a question for this comment via mastodon system you deftly built-- how from the blog do I find the mastodon post so I can issue a comment?? I only know to go to your account and rummage to find it.
I need to figure out from a web site, how to open it's ActivityPub published post *in* Mastodon
@timklapdor I got it, it's the time/stamp link for your first comment/post. It would be useul in your blog template to make that some kind of "reply here" button/link
@cogdog This little snippet is visible on the page - the link is a bit hidden I guess, so could replace as a button. I didn't add anything to the RSS either which might be a gap. How are you reading the posts? Happy to explore a few options.
@timklapdor I am reading posts in my RSS Reader. The only way a link would be there is if it gets appended to the content. So then I follow link to your site and DOH, I missed the obvious link for "replying to this Mastodon post"
That works fine.