My website at is down right now. I made the switch to Eleventy and the DNS change is propagating.
Changing to Eleventy was fun - once the site is up again, I'll post about my experiences doing the migration from Hugo.
@troz looking forward to read about this! What prompted you to switch, and what was the most fun? :)
@ctietze It's live now - their 48 hours until propagation was thankfully less than 4 minutes.
Recent Hugo updates broke the theme I was using and I didn't know enough about it to fix it. Now I feel like I am in total control of every aspect. The amazing bit was when I used AI to augment my terrible CSS skills!
@troz Ah yes, maintenance problems when the software changes. Ugh!
I've avoided looking at 11ty because I don't want to work with anything node-related. It's stupid, but I can't help it :) Am using Nanoc (Ruby) for, what now, 12 years or so?
Seriously thinking about writing HTML by hand again.
I hear about how confusing CSS is more and more from fellow Swift devs, so: if you have CSS questions, ask any time. I consider myself fluent and am happy to help :)
@troz wry nice! And it looks like you’re using Pagefind for search, which I love. Looking forward to your posts.
@bobmonsour Yes! Pagefind is amazing and so easy to set up.
@troz Congrats on the refactor! In a bit surprised that you didn’t go with a Swift SSG. By the way, the menu on mobile is rather hard to read.
@kevinrenskers Thanks for the report. Dark mode isn’t being applied there for some reason but I’ll check it out tomorrow.
As for not using Swift, I found a lot more resources and community engagement for platforms like Eleventy. Plus I’m used to HTML/CSS/JS from web dev work.
@troz yeah eleventy is pretty huge. Seems like a good choice.