Friends! The #ScienceFiction #SpaceOpera Series Challenge continues!
Which of the following choices is the best? Vote below.
#Teixcalaan (think #AMemoryCalledEmpire) by #ArkadyMartine
#RemembranceOfEarthsPast (AKA #TheThreeBodyProblem) by #LiuCixin
#HyperionCantos by #DanSimmons
#MarsTrilogy by #KimStanleyRobinson
If you're NOT on the Mastodon.Social instance, you can access the poll from your instance. Just search for my profile and look for the pinned toot!
@tuckerteague oh, this is the tough one. 3BP introduced me to so many new concepts. Meanwhile the worlds of Hyperion Cantos are still alive in my imagination.
@tuckerteagu OMG, I LOVED Teixcalaan - truly can't wait for the next ones