New to Mastodon and the Fediverse
We are a small, fledgling movement trying to start some projects in Ghana. We align loosely with #solarpunk and #hopepunk and we believe humans would be much happier and healthier if we lived in harmony with nature and each other. Really hoping to make some interesting connections here with people and communities who are also passionate about being the change! #newhere #introduction
@underatree Welcome
You can use # newhere and # neuhier for a greater audience
@Andreas Thanks! Will try that
Welcome to the Fedivers.
@Lokalmatator Thank you so much!
Hey welcome to your movement!
If you want any help with using this place I run an account at @FediTips that provides tech support, and there are also lots of guides for beginners at
@FediThing Thanks a lot! Not having a hard time figuring things out honestly, but I will follow nonetheless
@badri Been absolutely blown away by the reception here! Most people roll their eyes and purchase a handful of items off Amazon when I tell them about UAT, so it's pretty overwhelming to suddenly receive nothing but postive feedback
@underatree Hello and welcome to the Fediverse! Looking forward to reading about your projects
@giornodelsole Thanks a lot! There is some more info on our website if you’re interested, but we will of course be sharing short updates here also as things progress