How would you know if "you" are actually a parasite that took over the body you are currently controlling????
@veax In many ways we are. For example, there are more bacterial cells than human cells, so we are kind of a smart vessel for bacteria exploiting them to process food.
@veax Also, Dawkins' selfish genes are just using oir.bodies to ride around in :-P
@quantensalat so what you are saying is we are just a botnet of bacteria?! Like a giant megazord of lil Microthings?!
@veax Yes. One could even argue anyway that multicellular organisms are some form of colony ;-P I mean look at siphonophores, I'm not sure what the big difference is
@veax I'd like to swap this out for a newer model my ride has mechanical faults.
@lordmatt Sorry our records indicate you are not yet due for an upgrade to a newer model. For only $9573.99 we can get you on a better host plan to get you migrated sooner.