Hello everyone, I'm Jan Adriaenssens… director public technology at the research center imec in Belgium.
Professionally I'm looking at the constructive role technology could play in society.
But my interests are a lot broader… and that's why I'm on social media. #introduction
Language and words
Design and architecture
Science and technology
Serendipity and wonder
(I plan to activate my weblog too, soon.)
@verbeeld welcome Jan!
@jbaert Thanks Jeroen. I’m actually happy to be here. Feels like a fresh and fast start of something new and good.
@verbeeld still early days. Will be amazing to watch this take shape and jump some hurdles!
@jbaert I’m following some interesting legal bloggers here (and formerly there) too.
I like the way for example @davidallengreen looks at this movement. He’s outside of the classical tech nerd community. His ‘conversion’ for me is a sign of something promising.
(E.g. https://mastodon.green/@davidallengreen/109312701261686829)
@jbaert It's now about a week later... how do you look back on the hurdle jumping?
@verbeeld Still lots of work to be done, but I see people successfully migrate servers, that's amazing.
@jbaert Do you think we’ve passed a crucial point of migration? I went cold turkey on Twitter (posting; I still lurk), but there are specific accounts and interactions I still miss.
@verbeeld Think we're entering a hybrid period.
@verbeeld Welcome to the madhouse. I've been online since 1985, but know no more now then I did then. Should I buy a Lectric bike? They're just $1,000, assembled, but it's all online. My son might use it for his commute and I might use it for short shopping trips....Mobility and Cities sounds like a great beat.
@DanaBlankenhorn Hi Dana, thanks for the welcome! In Europe, e-bikes are already the most sold electric vehicles (far outpacing e-cars). They are definitely worth the investment, if the road infrastructure is adequately suited for cyclists. #JustDoIt
Using (e-)bikes for commuting is a great idea: good for your wallet, your health and the environment. And a lot more fun too.
@mdevrieze Yep, @maarten is één van die accounts die ik ook al met enthousiasme op Twitter volgde!
@verbeeld Neogeneralists are the best kind of people!
@verbeeld Een tijd geleden plaatste je bijgaande foto. Toen mijn nicht vroeg om hulp bij vormgeving voor haar Master Thesis, 'Cleaning Coasts' inspireerde die tot bijgaande kaft en afgeleide bladen. Dank!
@martijn_geerdes Heel fijn! En ook erg attent dat je dit laat weten!