I've been working on this for quite some time, and now here it is at last - my latest piece, on how the shock of the pandemic, and its mishandling, has for too long been exploited by right-wing interests: https://www.mediaactivist.com/recovering-from-shock/ #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborne #LongCovid #AntiFascism
I've got to express gratitude to @violetblue @msteenhagen @broadwaybabyto @luckytran and so many more cited in the piece, whose writings and research enabled me to put so much of this together this last few years. Check out their work, please!
@MediaActivist @msteenhagen @broadwaybabyto @luckytran This is incredible work and essential reading. Humbled to be in it. Thank you!
@violetblue Hi again! Thank you once more for the praise (and all your amazing work). Some cool folx are looking at converting my article into zine format, available for free in both PDF and printed version, with optional donation to my local @sheffieldmaskbloc - it has been mentioned that your kind words above ("incredible work and essential reading") could be used on the cover...would that be okay with you? Thanks!
@MediaActivist @sheffieldmaskbloc Yes, that would be okay with me -- thank you!!!