Automattic: WP Engine is bad because they don't contribute to WordPress!
Also Automattic: We will stop contributing to WordPress.
@waldoj What a bunch of clowns.
@waldoj the classic "what if your friend told you to jump off a cliff?" but it's a CEO acting like the stubborn child and actually also jumping off the cliff
@mathowie @waldoj the best I've been able to charitably explain what I think Mullenweg is thinking is that this is the equivalent of making the kid you caught with cigarettes smoke the whole pack.
I think he really thinks that demonstrating what it'd be like if every company only contributed the minimum will show how evil it is when companies only contribute the minimum, make every company want to contribute more than the minimum.
@nyquildotorg @mathowie Wow that is not going to go the way he thinks it's going to go
@waldoj Yep Matt is a man baby!
Somehow, an insult to both men and babies...
I think this is where I get off. I’ve done plenty with Wordpress and have been a proponent of its usefulness for a long time.
However, when something is rotting from the inside, you throw it out.