Dear Mastodon:
I am currently obsessed with #TaylorSwift. The reason is it is clear to me that she is queer and has been writing about her closeted queer experiences for pretty much her whole career. This theory is called #GaylorSwift and I am a #Gaylor.
There is tons of evidence that she’s been signaling that she’s queer for years. But the best part is:
Listening to her music through a queer lens makes it 1000x better.
On top of that the #gaylor community is awesome.
I hope that at least some small part of the #gaylor community finds its way here and that the hetlors* do not.
*homophobic Swifties who adamantly argue that Taylor Swift can’t be anything but straight.
@xJxVx where is everyone??
@districtofthehare We might have to recruit.