Bernie Sanders WARNS: Elon Musk OWNS The Republican Party
#olichargy #democracy #clearandpresentdanger #musk
This is a rallying cry for anyone concerned about the growing power of billionaires and their ability to undermine democracy. Bernie Sanders delivers a stark warning: the future of the country is at stake if we don’t act to break the grip of oligarchs like Elon Musk on our government. Don’t miss this vital call to action!
@xs4me2 Well, as far as the information I've seen, het just bought Drumpf, and thus the repugs, and even bought an election....
See, immigrants stealing jobs from American people.
And stealing jobs from even many more by wreaking havoc tearing down the US governmental organisations when he will get the power to do so after 20 January...
@xs4me2 Well, we can only hope it goes down like a house of cards over the confirmations.
Simply, Drumpf for now is only pushing forwards the lunatics from the asylum.....
It's even more crazy than the Wilders government, and that was at about impossible.
Incompetence seems the core competence in both cases...
@xs4me2 both tRump and the Repuglican party are broke
And Musk got them elected with money and manipulation... a blind man can see it...