Watching woke-vs-anti-woke fights unfold is really like watching apes throw shit at each other at the zoo. It was mildly entertaining at first, but the novelty wore off quick, especially since both sides have finished building their echo chambers.
Now they only hear themselves.
Now they're all fighting an imaginary enemy.
And all us folks sitting on the side bench are seeing is not their point and their truth and their being "right", as they intend.
It's just the poo all around them.
@contrasocial I just want to enjoy my movies, games and books without getting caught in the crossfire of a culture war. If that makes me insufferable, I'll take it.
The thing is, apathy puts you on one side by default. Ignoring injustice isn't what makes you insufferable (that just makes you a bad person) what makes you insufferable is having the gall to pretending that ignoring injustice makes you enlightened while also complaining about others making too much public noise.
No one buys the psuedo-centrist schtick, they just correctly percieve you as a particularly lazy right-winger.
@contrasocial i see. Well, that's unfortunate, but I never did care about people who can only see the world in black and white. This whole shebang is all about tribal warfare, the ideas don't actually matter. In reality, you're free to label me however you want, and I'm free to ignore your opinion about me. I know where I stand, and I'm not siding with either camp. I'll make my judgement on a case-by-case basis, not ideology. Put a label on that if you want. See if you feel better after that.
Totally, Nazis, anti-Nazis, same thing. You gotta have a little racism/bigotry and a little anti-racism and anti-bigotry, you know? A little slavery, a little freedom etc. Can't be black and white about these things afterall.
@contrasocial you fail to see my point. Where does bigotry start? Where do you draw the line between conservativism and nazism? How much of one person's liberty can you exchange for security? How do you decide which cultural norms to accept and which to reject? Once those distinctions are clarified and accepted, issues do indeed become black and white. But we're not there yet. For now we have lawful and unlawful to tell right from wrong. Everything else is in the middle. The center, if you will.
Misogynistic violence, racially motivated violence, violence against trans people, and the exploitation of the working class are all black-and-white issues. They're all wrong, period, unless you want to enlighten me with your "superior centrist wisdom" and explain to me how any of those issues can be good in any way.
Dumbass Centrist: "I just want to enjoy my movies, games and books without having to focus on black people being murdered in racially motivated violence, women being raped, trans people being dehumanized and having their rights taken from them, workers being exploited and not having enough money to survive, and all that uncomfortable yucky stuff. If that makes me insufferable, I'll take it. "