»Nach den Missbrauchsenthüllungen ihrer Tochter fragt sich: Muss man die Werke der kanadischen Literaturnobelpreisträgerin Alice Munro neu lesen?«
https://taz.de/Umstrittene-Literaturnobelpreistraegerin/!6066487/ #AliceMunro

»Nach den Missbrauchsenthüllungen ihrer Tochter fragt sich: Muss man die Werke der kanadischen Literaturnobelpreisträgerin Alice Munro neu lesen?«
https://taz.de/Umstrittene-Literaturnobelpreistraegerin/!6066487/ #AliceMunro
@Buddenbohm Danke für die 40 Anweisungen..
Hedy Lamarr war ziemlich cool, mein Wifi-Netzwerk ist nach ihr benannt :)
Und ich muss leider darauf hinweisen dass die letzten Nachrichten zu #alicemunro auch ziemlich düster waren :(
Rachel Aviv on Alice Munro’s Family Secrets
I've finally read Rachel Aviv's long Alice Munro story in THE NEW YORKER (I wanted to wait until my print edition had arrived so I could give it my full attention) and it is a terrifying piece on just what abuses a writer will exploit for their own gain -- in the case of Munro, it was her own daughter's abuse. To be honest, I always found Munro to be overrated, largely because I detected that something was off in her stories. Guess my instincts were right.
The harassment ended only when Andrea reached puberty... Munro’s response made it clear that she was right to be afraid. It was “as if she had learned of an infidelity,” Andrea recalled in her essay for The Star.
#AliceMunro #literature #pervert #Canada #history #degenerate
Recuerdos del #Alzheimer https://buff.ly/3RRhOfl Cada 21/9 se celebra el #DiaMundialDelAlzheimer. Te propongo una mirada hacia esa enfermedad entre pacientes, cuidadores, textos y músicas. Con #GarciaMarquez, #JeanEchenoz, #AliceMunro, #Tchaikovsky, #Ravel y #AaronCopland
Recuerdos del #Alzheimer https://buff.ly/3RRhOfl Cada 21 de septiembre se celebra el #DiaMundialDelAlzheimer. Te propongo una mirada hacia esa enfermedad entre pacientes, cuidadores, textos y músicas. Nos acompañan #GarciaMarquez, #JeanEchenoz, #AliceMunro, #Tchaikovsky, #Ravel y #AaronCopland
#TalDiaComoHoy #21/9 se celebra el #DiaMundialDelAlzheimer https://buff.ly/3RRhOfl Te propongo una mirada hacia esa enfermedad entre pacientes, cuidadores, textos y músicas. Nos acompañan #GarciaMarquez, #JeanEchenoz, #AliceMunro, #Tchaikovsky, #Ravel y #AaronCopland
Recuerdos del #Alzheimer https://buff.ly/3RRhOfl Cada 21 de septiembre se celebra el #DiaMundialDelAlzheimer. Te propongo una mirada hacia esa enfermedad entre pacientes, cuidadores, textos y músicas. Nos acompañan #GarciaMarquez, #JeanEchenoz, #AliceMunro, #Tchaikovsky, #Ravel y #AaronCopland
Recuerdos del #Alzheimer https://buff.ly/3RRhOfl Cada 21 de septiembre se celebra el #DiaMundialDelAlzheimer. Te propongo una mirada hacia esa enfermedad entre pacientes, cuidadores, textos y músicas. Nos acompañan #GarciaMarquez, #JeanEchenoz, #AliceMunro, #Tchaikovsky, #Ravel y #AaronCopland
"Doing what Andrea Skinner did [comes] with courage.
"Let us meet it with the respect and honor it deserves, with the respect and honor that Andrea Skinner deserves."
https://www.wbur.org/cognoscenti/2024/07/12/child-sexual-abuse-alice-munro-andrea-robin-skinner-janet-chwalibog @patriarchy
I think it's a pretty cowardly position for David Frum to only just NOW declare that Alice Munro's work is empty -- now that there is some truly unsettling dirty laundry about her.
If you're going to talk shit about a beloved sacred cow, then you may as well do it now. Or else you're a coward.
For example, I think Dave Eggers and Jonathan Franzen are the most overrated American writers. Fuck 'em both.
Alice Munro is more evil than we knew. Holy shit
Getting some books out of my house. I’m leaving them in a little free library though. I dunno. What is the appropriate thing to do? #neilgaiman #alicemunro #littlefreelibrary
Confused: I don’t think #AliceMunro had anything to do with #MunroBooks for the last 50 years- we all knew it was owned and operated by her ex-husband, Jim Munro. Can’t see any blame on him or the store for her silence about her SECOND husband’s sexual abuse. Cancel the memorial event- yes, for sure. But indict Jim Munro and the store? Nah.
TW: SA [Families] do not unconditionally support victims, even when the abusers don’t dispute what happened. They do something more self-protective and sacrifice the person who has disturbed the quiet of the family #SundaySentence #alicemunro https://www.thecut.com/article/alice-munro-daughter-sexual-abuse-family-secrets.html
'We were deeply troubled to learn of Andrea Robin Skinner’s experience of childhood sexual abuse. Ms. Skinner has our unwavering support.
At this time, we are pausing the Chair appointment as we carefully consider Munro’s legacy and her ties to Western.'
Excellent (and brief) discussion of #AliceMunro’s apparent denial or ignoring of her husband’s abuse of her daughter. I worked in child protection for some years and denial by the mother/spouse was not that uncommon. That’s not an excuse.
But the publishing industry? Many knew and, as these panelists say, in effect protected their investment. Begs a deep study and discussion.