MISREPRESENTING THE ARAB WORLD – How the West Brainwashes Its Young
MISREPRESENTING THE ARAB WORLD – How the West Brainwashes Its Young
3/3: The fact #NoOtherLand, made by 2 #Palestinians & 2 #Israelis, went on to win an #Oscar answers the ‘then what’ question at the end of the film: a model for an #apartheid-free state where #Arabs & #Jews live/work in #peace. A vision shared by an increasing number of #Jews around the world (anti #zionist #Jewish bloc at demos) & in #Israel (check out #Israelism, a film about zionist indoctrination, or the Standing Together movement https://www.instagram.com/standing.together.english/?hl=en). Watch/Share/DismantleApartheid
The Lost ‘Arab’
Ramzy Baroud on the isolation of Palestine, from physical sieges and military occupation into the realm of language. By Ramzy Baroud Z Network Language matters. Aside from its immediate impact on our perception of great political events, including war, language also…
#Politics #Commentary #Egypt #Israel #Jordan #MiddleEast #Palestine #U.s. #UntilThisDayHistoricalPerspectivesOnTheNews #ArabLeague #ArabUnity #Arabs #CampDavidAccords #Language #LeagueOfArabStates #Palestinians #RamzyBaroud
HARNESSING THE PAST – How History Can Fuel Our Arab Identity Journey
The Weird Way Arabic Develops in 2nd Generation Immigrants…
The Day Baghdad Fell to the US Occupation Forces يوم سقوط بغداد لقوات الإحتلال الأمريكي
https://www.europesays.com/?p=1871964 Syria’s new leadership: Gaining global trust or facing fresh challenges? #AbuMohammedAlJulani #Arabs #Conflicts #hts #Israel #revolution #riyadh #SaudiArabia #Syria
Syria’s new leadership: Gaining global trust or facing fresh challenges? https://www.byteseu.com/?p=775668 #AbuMohammedAlJulani #Arabs #Conflicts #HTS #Israel #revolution #Riyadh #SaudiArabia #Syria
Israel killed the Bibas.
Now #Netanyahu is using their death as a pretext to restart Gaza bombardment.
“Today we meet amid the most dangerous attempts to eradicate the Palestinian cause, following the physical annihilation our people in Gaza have endured over the past 15 months, during which the world witnessed firsthand the killing of thousands of defenceless civilians – men, women and children – and the destruction and burning of their property,” Aguila Saleh said in a speech at the Arab Parliament Conference held at the Arab League headquarters in Cairo.
كريمة آيت دحمان تناقش تاريخ جرائم فرنسا في الجزائر
Are #Arab dissidents facing a new wave of #repression? Recent extraditions between Middle Eastern states facilitated through an opaque arrest warrant system have left many #political #activists fearful.
The Making of Christian Malta by Anthony Luttrell
When a Jew shot by another Jew cries 'Death to Arabs!'
| Egypt: Release social media users detained for supporting calls to end President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi’s rule.
تجميع سيارات جيلي في مصر رسميًا.. والمكون المحلي يصل إلى 51% - ويك إند القاهرة
https://www.europesays.com/?p=1851964 1932 to 2025: Remembering Anan Safadi’s journalistic legacy – Israel News #ArabIsraeli #Arabs #CampDavid #egypt #EgyptAndIsraelBorder #Israel #IsraelEgypt #MiddleEast #obituary
1932 to 2025: Remembering Anan Safadi’s journalistic legacy – Israel News https://www.byteseu.com/?p=750613 #ArabIsraeli #Arabs #CampDavid #Egypt #EgyptAndIsraelBorder #Israel #IsraelEgypt #MiddleEast #obituary
1973 – The Best Year in Modern Arab History, or the Worst?