Today I took a look at how things stand with projects like ParaCrawl ( and Bergamot ( Both are important for us as users to have local translation tools for use in the browser or other applications, like Office or Speech Note dsnote ( ParaCrawl, as I understand it, is the data foundation for Bergamot. The European Union funds both projects. That in itself is a good thing. But as it looks, it was unfortunately again only short funding phases of three years, so I do not assume that there is still much manpower behind the projects. However, that would be desirable. Are there any actors from these projects active in the Fediverse?
#ParaCrawl #Bergamot #dsnote #SpeechNote2019–2022 Bergamot

has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 825303
2019-2021(?) ParaCrawl