is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
The original server operated by the Mastodon gGmbH non-profit

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14 posts12 participants2 posts today
Currently raised: $70,98 / Our goal: $1,500


Paypal and ko-fi: @ADSinternacional

There are two ways to make the shipments depending on the circumstances of each person who needs the masks:
1. Coordinating via mask blocks from the USA
For people who can deal with the bureaucracy, we coordinate with mask blocks from the USA. This means that more detailed handling is required due to international bureaucracy and logistics, but much more material can arrive.

2. Direct purchase through websites.
For people who cannot go through the bureaucratic procedures that are required when shipping from mask blocks in the USA, we buy directly from websites in order to get the material to them. This makes it somewhat more expensive.

By dividing the shipments in this way, we ensure that everyone can access to community care. Every contribution is essential to help those who need it most.
If you can donate and/or share that will be greatly appreciated!

#COVIDconscious #MaskUp #WearAMask #CovidRealist #CovidIsAirbone

#ConscienteCovid #LlevaMascarilla #RealistaCovid #CovidSonAerosoles #birdflu #gripeaviar #LongCovid
slightlypersimmon en instagram
“Tengo esclerosis múltiple agresiva inducida por COVID y COVID persistente y me niego a participar en la investigación de la esclerosis múltiple o en más investigación de COVID persistente”
#COVIDconscious #MaskUp #WearAMask #CovidRealist #CovidIsAirbone

#ConscienteCovid #LlevaMascarilla #RealistaCovid #CovidSonAerosoles #birdflu #gripeaviar #LongCovid

strategy gaming night at Blackbird! we'll bring root again, everybody loves root ♥︎ we'll also have photosynthesis, quantum, and other fun strategy games

bring your curiosity and your most ruthless playstyle ♥︎ we love to learn strategy together

Strategy Gaming Night
every other monday

Blackbird Infoshop

upcoming dates: 3/17, 3/31, 4/14, 4/28, 5/12, 5/26

WE keep us safe – masks required (kn95 or n95) and provided

play hard, stay silly
xoxo Kitty Cat~

Replied in thread

"SARS-CoV-2 spike RNA- and SARS-CoV-2-related inflammation persist in the epipharynx for more than six months post infection. Although no expression of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in the epipharynx was evident in these patients with long COVID, genetic analysis revealed activation of [...] the SARS-CoV-2 signalling pathway in epithelial cells, B cells, and pDCs. This aligns with theories that even nonactive viral fragments may possess biological significance. This persistence of inflammation, identified for the first time at the genetic level, highlights the epipharynx as a critical site for continual immune responses in long COVID patients, suggesting that residual viral antigens may contribute to the chronic symptoms experienced"

"After the administration of EAT [epipharyngeal abrasive therapy] once a week for 3 months, the expression of viral RNA disappeared in patients 1 and 2. Patient 3 presented a substantial reduction in viral RNA expression; although complete clearance was not achieved, a marked decrease was observed."

"observed dysregulation of immune and ciliary pathways" - might explain the chronic nonsmoker cough that seems more common now

"These findings suggest that T cells still play a subtle role in the immune dysregulation observed in patients with long COVID. Collectively, these findings indicate that interactions among pDCs, B cells, plasma cells, and T cells contribute to the chronic inflammation and immune dysregulation characteristic of patients with long COVID"

"In the pre-EAT state of long COVID Patient 2, the tissue surface was predominantly covered by ciliated epithelium (Cluster 7). In contrast, following treatment, the ciliated epithelium was no longer observed, and a new cluster of squamous epithelial cells (Cluster 12) emerged"

"EAT effectively eliminates the inflamed ciliated epithelium in patients with long COVID and induces the formation of squamous cells with high barrier function"

thanks @MEActNOW

NatureSpatial transcriptomics of the epipharynx in long COVID identifies SARS-CoV-2 signalling pathways and the therapeutic potential of epipharyngeal abrasive therapy - Scientific ReportsIn this study, the critical role of the epipharynx in managing long-term coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), and in particular, how residual SARS-CoV-2 RNA affects signalling pathways in the epipharynx were investigated via spatial gene expression analysis (Visium HD). Moreover, we hypothesize that epipharyngeal abrasive therapy (EAT) targeting the epipharynx could improve long COVID symptoms by modulating local inflammation and gene expression. We conducted a comparative analysis of the gene expression profiles of three patients with long COVID and two control individuals without COVID-19. Residual SARS-CoV-2 RNA was detected in the epipharynx of patients with long COVID, along with the activation of signalling pathways in epithelial and immune cells. After EAT, the viral RNA was either completely cleared or significantly reduced. T-cell receptor signalling pathways were suppressed; the levels of proinflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin-6 and tumour necrosis factor-α, were reduced; and excessive antibody production was mitigated. Histology showed that EAT effectively eliminated the inflamed, dysfunctional ciliated epithelium. This study clarifies that SARS-CoV-2 has long-term effects on the immune response in the epipharynx, emphasizing the need to focus on chronic epipharyngitis as a potential cause of long COVID. Furthermore, EAT may offer a promising approach to alleviating persistent long COVID symptoms.
Basado en la publicación de @guiapandemica, agregando información!

Usar mascarilla es subversivo.

El COVID no ha terminado:
• El 50% de las infecciones son asintomáticas.
• Mínimo 10% de las infecciones acaban en COVID persistente.
• Las vacunas no evitan ni reinfecciones, ni el contagio, ni las secuelas persistentes del COVID.
• Las reinfecciones nos destrozan. No hay forma de “entrenar” el sistema inmunológico porque no es un músculo. hay una idea errónea común de que la exposición a gérmenes dañinos fortalece el sistema inmunológico. las enfermedades virales como COVID, gripe, sarampión debilitan el sistema inmunológico, dejando la posibilidad de daños duraderos. La realidad es que no construyes tu inmunidad con infecciones repetidas, las vacunas fortalecen el sistema inmunológico enseñándole a reconocer los patógenos sin todos los riesgos. Centrarnos en la prevención de las infecciones es clave.
• Un test de antígeno rápido solo logra detectar con éxito alrededor del 60% de las infecciones tempranas sintomáticas y aproximadamente el 22% de las infecciones asintomáticas. Los PCR y test moleculares son los test con más precisión.
• El COVID se propaga y mueve como el humo de un cigarro, piensa en las personas de tu alrededor y en ti como personas que están todo el día fumando, se hace más visual entender cómo se mueve el COVID.
• En las infecciones con síntomas se tarda un par de días en dar los síntomas lo que quiere decir que estás por lo menos un par de días infectando sin saberlo. Eres infeccioso de COVID por lo menos 10 días.

#COVIDconscious #MaskUp #WearAMask #CovidRealist #CovidIsAirbone

#ConscienteCovid #LlevaMascarilla #RealistaCovid #CovidSonAerosoles #birdflu #gripeaviar #LongCovid
Basat en la publicació de @guiapandemica, afegint informació i traduint!

• El 50% de les infeccions són asimptomàtiques.
• Almenys el 10% de les infeccions acaben en COVID persistent.
• Les reinfeccions ens destrueixen.
• El COVID s'estén i es mou com el fum de la cigarreta, pensa en les persones que t'envolten i en tu mateix com a persones que fumen tot el dia, es fa més visual entendre com es mou el COVID.
• En les infeccions amb símptomes, els símptomes triguen un parell de dies a aparèixer, la qual cosa vol dir que estàs infectat almenys un parell de dies sense saber-ho.
• Les vacunes no són suficients i, a més, no s'actualitzen en funció de noves variants. Els nivells d'anticossos produïts disminueixen significativament en els mesos posteriors a la vacunació. Les vacunes no eviten les reinfeccions, el contagi o les seqüeles persistents de la COVID.
• Has estat infectat per COVID durant almenys 10 dies.
• Des de l'inici de la pandèmia hi ha hagut una gran propaganda al voltant de la normalització de la malaltia i una manera meritocràtica d'entendre la immunitat (el millor és que no es veuran afectats mai, el feble és que "hauran de morir" per prosperar).
• Les noves variants són complexes per 1) la transmissió contínua que fem entre humans com la que es produeix entre humans i altres animals, fent mutacions més complexes; 2) la manca d'investigació, la manca de socialització de barreres contra la COVID, d'antivirals quan es té infeccions i de proves de PCR o COVID molecular. Tot això no està aïllat del món de l'opressió en què vivim, de fet, és aquí on rau el seu origen. L'atenció COVID és una atenció comunitària, una lluita laboral, discapacitada, queer, anticolonial i contra totes les formes d'opressió.
Tenim les eines per lluitar contra l'eugenèsia, organitzem-nos!
#COVIDconscious #MaskUp #WearAMask #CovidRealist #CovidIsAirbone

#ConscienteCovid #LlevaMascarilla #RealistaCovid #CovidSonAerosoles #birdflu #gripeaviar #LongCovid