Always nice to go to a medical professional and request an n95, be assured of one, and instead have them wearing a loose white surgical mask that looks like 1ply toilet paper. #COVIDisAirborne #MaskUp there's also #measles everywhere FFS.
COVID minimizers have said for years that “if” it was that dangerous we would see increases in other illnesses
We’re at that stage, and no one is talking about it. Deny. Deflect. Obfuscate.
“Other illnesses that weaken the immune system and allow latent TB infections to emerge may also be at play”
As more States attempt to enact mask bans & Trump continues to dismantle public health, it becomes increasingly clear that we’re on our own.
Masks should be mandatory in healthcare, yet you will often see more patients masking than healthcare workers.
My guide to avoiding hospital acquired COVID
@insavandenberg Hier, meine #covidcautious Süßmäuse, Annas und mein Dank geht an Euch ️
New York Governor Hochul is trying to sneak a mask ban into the budget, despite the opposition of many disabled & high risk people who NEED masks to safely access public spaces.
Criminalizing masks during an airborne pandemic, while measles is on the rise, is dangerous, ableist & eugenicist.
Call and email elected officials and tell them you oppose mask bans and that medical exemptions are NOT sufficient
AUSTRALIA Weekly COVID Update: 21 March 2025
#COVID19Australia #COVIDisntOVER #COVIDisAIRBORNE @auscovid19
The World Health Organization acknowledged the pandemic in Dec 2024 Please get vaccinated (the most up to date vaxx) & wear a mask in public to protect yourself, your family, friends & community #MeaslesIsAirborne #COVIDisAirborne #COVIDisNotOver #WeAreStillinApandemic #VaccinesWork #MasksWork
I was really hoping the steep decline in the Minnesota wastewater covid report would keep going. But no. It has stalled.
And today, being out and about, I could see why. So many people in masks. These days *some* people only wear them when they're sick.
Wear your masks in public please.
Follow them here:
Shared by Maarten De Cock aka @mdc_martinus at end of 2024 but still so
"The outright denial of the airborne route was NEVER justifiable!"
2min video, 1st vid has background music; 2nd vid doesn't
#Covid #Airborne #CovidIsAirborne #SayAirborne #Science #IAQ
#NewYork call your legislators!
Gov. Hochul is pushing a last-minute mask ban in state budget talks - Gothamist
i'm always extra-incensed by the extreme disconnect my entire queer theories or sexuality studies classes operate from around covid! we can talk about hiv/aids, informed consent, eugenics, etc all the while everyone in the room is maskless & there is always at least one coughing someone was talking about feeling safe in queer spaces w/their multiple marginalized identities, which is very real! but even still it's ironically not inclusive to further marginalized folks. so vexed by the incessant disconnect so i had to share this:
folks really gotta start questioning how radical they really are because not being covid cautious during this mass disabling event is at odds with being inclusive, accessible, intentional, community oriented, creating safe space, practicing consent, siding with the marginalized.
Mask bans already exist in certain States and counties.
Vance spearheaded a federal ban on mask mandates.
Organizing to codify the right to wear medical masks and respirators is (sadly) needed.
Masking is community care and resistance.
Illinois attempting to codify right to mask into law:
Today is #MaskedMondays! Show that you are still #masking by posting your weekly #maskedselfie or other photo as a reply. #masked #mask #maskup #maskup #BringBackMasks #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #n95 #p100 #weareyeprotection #WearARespirator #wearamaskoutside #MaskMonday @covid19 @covid @covidisairborne @auscovid19 @longcovid
This is why respirators need to be mandatory in hospitals.
Babies, people with certain disabilities & some health conditions need others to mask to protect them.
This hospital shouldn’t be “scrambling”. Make masks mandatory & protect patients and staff.
Clean & ventilate the air too!