Here's an idle #digipres question: do we know the origins of the 3-2-1 rule? As in, where and when it was first put forward?
I bring it up often in grad school writing, where I'm supposed to cite it, and I always wonder about its ultimate source
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Social Playing? Überlegungen zu einem vernetzten Spielerlebnis
TL;DR Wäre toll, wenn wir unser Gaming direkt "anspielbar" miteinander teilen könnten. Digital Humanities und #DigiPres wüssten bereits, wie es geht. Doch die Plattformökonomie der Games-Branche lässt das nicht zu; stattdessen dann Streaming mit twitch, bei dem wir nur unsere Displays abfilmen dürfen.
File format building blocks: primitives in digital preservation
by @beet_keeper
A primitive in software development can be described as:
a fundamental data type or code that can be used to build more complex software programs or interfaces.
– via (also Wiki: language primitives)
Like bricks and mortar in the building industry, or oil and acrylic for a painter, a primitive helps a software developer to create increasingly more complex software, from your shell scripts, to entire digital preservation systems.
Primitives also help us to create file formats, as we’ve seen with the Eyeglass example I have presented previously, the file format is at its most fundamental level a representation of a data structure as a binary stream, that can be read out of the data structure onto disk, and likewise from disk to a data structure from code.
For the file format developer we have at our disposal all of the primitives that the software developer has, and like them, we also have “file formats” (as we tend to understand them in digital preservation terms) that serve as our primitives as well.
Continue reading “File format building blocks: primitives in digital preservation”…
La dernière version d'OAIS vient d'être publiée dans sa version ISO
#digipres #DigitalPreservation
Next, I compared the good and bad files in Hex Fiend. The good ones had an "lh1" signature in the header, while the bad ones had an "lh5."
Okay, clearly they were using different compression methods. But how could I extract the lh5 ones?
Googling turned up this Keka issue on GitHub -- -- which mentions a different problematic Atari ST LZH file on Discmaster and how dexvert handles it fine.