#Tarot underneath/shadow card of evening: The World Tree-XXI.
If you were wise, willing to learn, fair and honest, this new path should go well. If not, this will be a hard passage, not too favorable. This is where you reap what you sowed.
#Tarot underneath/shadow card of evening: The World Tree-XXI.
If you were wise, willing to learn, fair and honest, this new path should go well. If not, this will be a hard passage, not too favorable. This is where you reap what you sowed.
#Tarot card of evening: The Great Bear-XX.
Things are coming to account. For some, you messed with the bear, and now the bear is going to mess with you. For others, if you are putting something off, you need to stop doing that and deal with it.
Demotic icosahedron omen rolled for March 12
Khonsu (ḫnsw): traveller, the moon, passage of time, embracer, pathfinder, defender, healer, fresh air.
#PGM #PapyriGraecaeMagicae #EgyptianDeityOfTheDay #divination #astragalomancy
Liber CCXVI I Ching hexagram for March 12: Po, Earth of Yoni, ䷖
The Moving Line:
Be loyal, help thy followers; all’s aglow.
#IChing #HexagramOfTheDay #DailyHexagram #divination #cleromancy
Card of the day from the Thoth Deck for March 12
The Hanged Man
#tarot #ThothDeck #CardOfTheDay #DailyTarot #divination #cartomancy
The #MysticStarTarot March 2025 #Tarot challenge.
Day 12
Prompt: How can I reduce the impact that my fears are having on me?
Card: Page of Wands.
Deck: Black Cats Tarot.
#Tarot underneath/shadow card of evening: The World Tree- XXI.
A time to gather your thoughts, assess your situation, and integrate the lessons. Then take some time to celebrate the good before you head out on the next venture.
#Tarot card of evening: Queen of Arrows (swords).
Ponder and think carefully, rely on facts and your experience to decide fairly. Speak if you must, though silence may be the better option here.
Demotic icosahedron omen rolled for March 11
Thoth (Ḏḥwtj, Θώθ): god of the moon, wisdom, knowledge, writing, hieroglyphs, science, magic, art, judgment.
#PGM #PapyriGraecaeMagicae #EgyptianDeityOfTheDay #divination #astragalomancy
Liber CCXVI I Ching hexagram for March 11: Hsien, Water of Earth, ䷞
The Moving Line:
But calves? ’Twere surely better to withdraw.
#IChing #HexagramOfTheDay #DailyHexagram #divination #cleromancy
Card of the day from the Thoth Deck for March 11
The Emperor
#tarot #ThothDeck #CardOfTheDay #DailyTarot #divination #cartomancy
The Trio Play Tarot Deck - Playing Cards by Printagrams https://www.etsy.com/listing/1457987270/the-trio-play-tarot-deck-playing-cards?ref=rss&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #TarotDeck #PlayingCards #Divination #BoardGames #CardGames
The #MysticStarTarot March 2025 #Tarot challenge.
Day 11
Prompt: How are my fears impacting me?
Card: Four of Pentacles.
Deck: Black Cats Tarot.
The Trio Play Tarot Deck - Playing Cards by Printagrams https://www.etsy.com/listing/1457987270/the-trio-play-tarot-deck-playing-cards?ref=rss&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #Tarot #TarotDeck #PlayingCards #Divination #CardGames