California’s A.B. 412: A Bill That Could Crush Startups and Cement A Big Tech AI Monopoly
#ArtificialIntelligence&MachineLearning #Creativity&Innovation #FairUse

California’s A.B. 412: A Bill That Could Crush Startups and Cement A Big Tech AI Monopoly
#ArtificialIntelligence&MachineLearning #Creativity&Innovation #FairUse
If I record myself reading a copyrighted book and share the recording with some friends (for free), is that copyright infringement?
If so, can I claim fair use by, idk, dressing up in a funny outfit or something and turning the reading into a performance art piece, which I then record and share?
Is it copyright infringement to extract the audio from said recording of such a performance art piece and share that? There must be a legal way to do this...
Sam Altman asks #Trump to grant #OpenAI blanket permissions to steal everyone's copyrighted works so he can train his #AI. He raises the threat of China AI dominance as the bogeyman.
#copyright #FairUse #AIhype #SamAltman
OpenAI fordert "Freedom to Learn" für KI-Entwicklung
Plädiert für freien Zugang zu urheberrechtlich geschütztem Material
Verweist auf Chinas uneingeschränkten Datenzugriff
Betont nationale Sicherheitsaspekte
Jetzt lesen und folgen!
#ai #ki #artificialintelligence #kuenstlicheintelligenz #OpenAI #Copyright #China #FairUse
Big Tech wants AI fair use… for them
OpenAI and Google are pushing the US to let them train AI on copyrighted material—framing it as a national security issue. Meanwhile, lawsuits mount. Who benefits from redefining 'fair use'? #AI #Copyright #FairUse
Fair Use is about genuinely societal benefits, like quoting a paper for further research or parodying a song or celebrity. Strangely, Google and OpenAI seem to think that mere copying to enhance their profit margins should be on the same level.
#AI #copyright #fairuse
@knu @chartier #fairdealing is way better than #fairuse at least in Canada. You ought to read the Canadian Supreme Court's CCH Judgement.
"Anyone at an AI company who stops to think for half a second should be able to recognize they have a vampiric relationship with the commons. While they rely on these repositories for their sustenance, their adversarial and disrespectful relationships with creators reduce the incentives for anyone to make their work publicly available going forward (freely licensed or otherwise). They drain resources from maintainers of those common repositories often without any compensation. They reduce the visibility of the original sources, leaving people unaware that they can or should contribute towards maintaining such valuable projects. AI companies should want a thriving open access ecosystem, ensuring that the models they trained on Wikipedia in 2020 can be continually expanded and updated. Even if AI companies don’t care about the benefit to the common good, it shouldn’t be hard for them to understand that by bleeding these projects dry, they are destroying their own food supply.
And yet many AI companies seem to give very little thought to this, seemingly looking only at the months in front of them rather than operating on years-long timescales. (Though perhaps anyone who has observed AI companies’ activities more generally will be unsurprised to see that they do not act as though they believe their businesses will be sustainable on the order of years.)
It would be very wise for these companies to immediately begin prioritizing the ongoing health of the commons, so that they do not wind up strangling their golden goose. It would also be very wise for the rest of us to not rely on AI companies to suddenly, miraculously come to their senses or develop a conscience en masse.
Instead, we must ensure that mechanisms are in place to force AI companies to engage with these repositories on their creators' terms."
Copyright-Politik, um im KI-Rennen mit China mithalten zu können. Die Unterstützung von Elon Musk und Co. zeigt einen Wandel im Silicon Valley hin zu konservativen Agenden. #OpenAI #FairUse #KI #Copyright #SiliconValley #Trump #TechPolicy #Innovation
OpenAI hat der Trump-Administration einen Vorschlag zur Nutzung urheberrechtlich geschützten Materials im Rahmen von Fair Use vorgelegt. Sie kritisieren EU- und UK-Regelungen und betonen die Notwendigkeit einer flexiblen Copyright-Politik, um im KI-Rennen mit China mithalten zu können. Die Unterstützung von Elon Musk und Co. zeigt einen Wandel im Silicon Valley hin zu konservativen Agenden. #OpenAI #FairUse #KI #Copyright #SiliconValley #Trump #TechPolicy #Innovation
EU- und UK-Regeln, die den Zugang zu Daten einschränken könnten. #KI #FairUse #OpenAI #Urheberrecht #Innovation #EU #UK #ChatGPT
OpenAI hat einen Vorschlag zur Nutzung urheberrechtlich geschützter Werke im Rahmen des Fair Use vorgelegt. Ziel: KI-Modelle wie ChatGPT lernen aus existierenden Werken, ohne die kommerzielle Verwertung zu beeinträchtigen. Kritik an geplanten EU- und UK-Regeln, die den Zugang zu Daten einschränken könnten. #KI #FairUse #OpenAI #Urheberrecht #Innovation #EU #UK #ChatGPT
Generative AI is great, sure, but it has fundamental problems that are almost as old as the Internet. The current USA administration might be the worst possible one to manage this problem.
#OpenAI declares #AI race “over” if #training on #copyrighted works isn’t fair use
OpenAI is hoping that Donald Trump's AI Action Plan, due out this July, will settle #copyright debates by declaring #AItraining fair use—paving the way for AI companies' unfettered access to training data that OpenAI claims is critical to defeat #China in the AI race.
#fairuse #Trump
"#OpenAI is hoping that Trump's AI Action Plan, due out this July, will settle copyright debates by declaring AI training fair use—paving the way for AI companies' unfettered access to training data that OpenAI claims is critical to defeat China in the AI race.
Currently, courts are mulling whether AI training is #fairuse, as rights holders say that AI models trained on creative works threaten to replace them in markets and water down humanity's creative output overall."
The goal is correct but the justification is extremely flawed and hypocrite. A company called OpenAI should share way more code and sources to the general public that what it currently shares. And that's why the USA is starting to loose the AI race.
"OpenAI is hoping that Donald Trump's AI Action Plan, due out this July, will settle copyright debates by declaring AI training fair use—paving the way for AI companies' unfettered access to training data that OpenAI claims is critical to defeat China in the AI race.
Currently, courts are mulling whether AI training is fair use, as rights holders say that AI models trained on creative works threaten to replace them in markets and water down humanity's creative output overall.
OpenAI is just one AI company fighting with rights holders in several dozen lawsuits, arguing that AI transforms copyrighted works it trains on and alleging that AI outputs aren't substitutes for original works."
OpenAI declares AI race "over" if training on copyrighted works isn't fair use
Google unveils proposals for the White House's AI Action Plan, emphasizing that "fair use" and "text-and-data mining exceptions" are essential for AI progress. #Google #AI #AIDevelopment #WhiteHouse #FairUse #TechPolicy #Innovation #AIRegulation #FutureOfAI
I’m running a workshop about AI and stuff for some high schoolers and when we went on the usual conversation about cheating or not I came up with this.
“In a recent decision…on the use of copyrighted texts for AI (but not generative AI) training, the Delaware District Court…held that a #FairUse defence was unsuccessful on a summary judgment motion for #copyright infringement.”