Seems that I had been out of the DE world for such a long time that I forgot how pleasing mild eye-candy can be. This evening I tried #picom again, after not using it for a long, long time since my LXDE days[1].
I'm quite pleased with how it bonds with #Fluxbox now, maybe it's time to rice again? :)
[1]: FYI:
My second share, this is about prognosis of 2K25
#Linux #OpenSource#Internet #POSIX #programming #KDE #FluxBox XFce
TIL about, I will read first but I never knew I needed it ;)
Do you like this links to the other plugins used?
Now I have YAT (yet another toy) to play with on all platforms I dwell upon. Love KDE Connect features.
In fact I played with it for a few hours yesterday.
KDEConnect is a powerful piece of connection software. Even when you only bounce off the Android client with your Androids (plural) you will enjoy the program. I can see that a of lot coding time (not difficult for a seasoned programmer) and debugging effort (can be tedious if you have no alpha / beta testers) has been put into the code.
KDE Connect celebrated 10 years in 2023, now its 12, so quite mature for software. Esp opensource.
Problems connecting Linux (or any other) often mean that your distro maintainer did something unexpected (IMHO stupid) by enabling an fw pointing to your LAN (sick!) with all incoming ports blocked.
- Blocked ports on LANs DONT enhance security, and give flase sense of superiour security.
- Not stating that explicitly on the installer of the fw (default base install!) means searching to and fro, since the fw pointing local, will be checked rudimentary to last, wasting brain cycles
The moment fw errors have been terminated (T2) your desktop client will work without a hitch, doing handshaking and later functions, which you enable one by one.
Android client has accross the board an unfightable problem which is powermgmt regardless of flags put for 24/7 background operation. Esp cheap Xiaomis have that. The ones of EUR 175 (USD same) to EUR 1200, have less of that esp the near and full flagships.
It's unfightable untill you remove Android OS and replace with a flash on your phone.
Im having fun with Android client
#Android#Linux #OpenSource #DesktopManager #Internet #POSIX #programming #KDE #FluxBox XFce
@Krypton @daltux @muthuraj5107220 @leo @Twitom
The background on that particular desktop is a photograph that I've taken myself years back {landscape nature}.
I'm a seasoned photographer using DSLR cameras
There was another copy of that screenshot which had an interesting background also, that I removed. In the Mastodon client I was running on that Android, sensitive flag was not found
@Tionisla @daltux @muthuraj5107220 @leo @Twitom
The fact that thorugh KDE_Connect the Androids talk with eachother smoothly has given me nice control surfaces over them. KDE_Connect is still a succes here, so I'm quite pleased.
#Android#Linux #OpenSource #DesktopManager #Internet #POSIX #programming #KDE #FluxBox XFce
@Tionisla @daltux @muthuraj5107220 @leo @Twitom
Followed the gsconnect route as adviced (KDEConnect page),
installed kdeC afterwards, to use the gsconnect plugin
Installed both are massive, but good handshake results were the mission.
However no Android devices are detected, none of my four Androids are seen.
I'm unistalling gsconnect and kde connect as I type
#Android#Linux #OpenSource #DesktopManager #Internet #POSIX #programming #KDE #FluxBox XFce
@Tionisla @daltux @muthuraj5107220 @leo @Twitom
Its now on schedule too. The page is also bookmarked. I usually hunt and dig in
man kdeconnect
then use the fixes in there
Thank you.
@daltux @muthuraj5107220 @leo @Twitom
For now I've removed KDE Connect from the miniPC
I shall study the manpages online and then decide if the program is worth the 24MB extra on tha machine. I love what the Android client does so that will go on all of my Androids, because its just handy
@Tionisla @daltux @muthuraj5107220 @leo @Twitom
Correct the desktop client does not see any of the Androids running KDE Connect
@daltux @muthuraj5107220 @Twitom @leo
This is another example of the Android's controlling each other's programs and interfaces. It goes very smooth from Android to Android
@daltux @muthuraj5107220 @Twitom @leo
This is an example of the plug-and-play results from the Androids who are happily sending commands to each other