@macosken @evoterra Yep. Absolutely.
That's why we're working on #SafeGuardingResearch & I'm collecting people's stories, #HeirloomFiction & #HeirloomArt
My digital #Wastebook is on a server in the UK & data is being stashed around the globe.

@macosken @evoterra Yep. Absolutely.
That's why we're working on #SafeGuardingResearch & I'm collecting people's stories, #HeirloomFiction & #HeirloomArt
My digital #Wastebook is on a server in the UK & data is being stashed around the globe.
I'm working on both, but I would LOVE it if some other people joined in and made their own #HeirloomArt
Don't have someone you want to pass it along to? I'm your huckleberry. I'd love to create a community library to share our stories, myths & legends.
Want to know more? Click on one of the hashtags or ask away!
Have you ever made a piece of #HeirloomArt or written a work of #HeirloomFiction?
Let's create myth & leave behind legends!
Whatever happened to "1 for $10, 3 for $20"?
Somebody should bring that back. Maybe for 128mb digital mixtapes the size of a credit card?
#TCKF is #HeirloomArt #AudioCollage #Mixtape
buy #ArtFED & #ResInt
CC-BY-SA 4.0
Mixtape files
This track using my poem "What i Learned from my Teachers" would be an example of #HeirloomArt and #HeirloomMusic
What would you create?
Have you ever considered creating a work of #HeirloomArt?
Something that encapsulates some aspect of your personality and/or experience that you would like to pass along.
If you don't have someone to pass it along to, I would love to be its custodian.
I am currently working on a piece of #HeirloomFiction and an #HeirloomAlbum. They both incorporate quotes and knowledge that I think are important, as well as little references to music and books that I love.
"Jon Mastodon leads the way from greed and towards the Fediverse."
This brand new track combines my poem "What i learned from my teachers" with a Jon Mastodon twist on the 4 noble truths. All backed by my friend's psychedlic synth goodness.
Listen to "4 Sukas" (Bhikku translation) by #ArtFED
#Buddhist #JohnMastodon #TTJ #JonMastodon #Synth #Music #HeirloomArt #Art #HeirloomFiction
I've talked about the idea of #HeirloomFiction before because writing was the first method that I considered.
Instead, I think that I'd like to promote the idea of #HeirloomArt. This includes writing a piece of Heirloom Fiction, but could also include music, paintings or other visual art.
I'm starting to see the #ArtFED #AudioCollage album included in this. The themes and topics are all things that I would like to pass on in perpetuity.
Are you in?