When He Asks What Time It Is In This ‘#HoneyLemonSoda’ #Anime Clip http://dlvr.it/TJh2l1
When He Asks What Time It Is In This ‘#HoneyLemonSoda’ #Anime Clip http://dlvr.it/TJh2l1
Voice Actor Takuya Eguchi Joins Honey Lemon Soda Anime as a Teacher Role
Takuya Eguchi, a renowned voice actor, has recently been announced as a new addition to the cast of the popular romantic drama anime, Honey Lemon Soda. His character will take on the role of a teacher within the series, adding depth and intrigue to t...
Read more: https://animenewsdaily.us/articles/13969
Good episode of #HoneyLemonSoda
Das #Anime #Streaming Programm für Mittwoch, den 19.03.
Die letzte Folge #PossiblytheGreatestAlchemistofAllTime! Außerdem neue Folgen von #MagicMaker, #AmekuMD und #HoneyLemonSoda!
Uka Admits She Was Bullied to Her Dad In This ‘#HoneyLemonSoda’ #Anime Clip http://dlvr.it/TJYSNG
I’m still really liking #HoneyLemonSoda
Uka's Heartfelt Confession: Revealing the Truth to Her Parents in Honey Lemon Soda
In a touching moment from the anime 'Honey Lemon Soda', Uka gathers the courage to reveal the truth to her parents. This pivotal scene showcases the emotional depth and character development that fans have come to love. Uka's journey of self-discover...
Read more: https://animenewsdaily.us/articles/12997
Honey Lemon Soda Anime Presents White Day Visual: Latest Romantic Drama Series Update
Honey Lemon Soda, the beloved romantic drama series, has thrilled fans with the release of a stunning White Day visual. Experience the unfolding love story and deep emotions of this anime as Crunchyroll streams the latest episodes. With its intricate...
Read more: https://animenewsdaily.us/articles/12691
How Love Transforms Individuals: Insights from Honey Lemon Soda
The profound impact of love on personal transformation is beautifully illustrated in the anime Honey Lemon Soda. This narrative explores how emotional connections and experiences can significantly alter an individual's outlook, behavior, and overall ...
Read more: https://animenewsdaily.us/articles/11701
I compared #HoneyLemonSoda to #SayILoveYou last week, and that’s good company for a series to be in. Especially with #HoneyLemonSoda delivering, or at least appearing to, solid character development for Uka.
Triple OOOF. I’m sure the dad means well but that’s just going to make things worse… #HoneyLemonSoda
Good advice from Miura-kun there…
Double OOOF. Yeah, that’s not going to play well for the father-daughter relationship… #HoneyLemonSoda
#HoneyLemonSoda … OOOF… well meaning but stifling parents. That…explains a lot about Uka-chan actually.
Even so: OOOF.
Easy there, Miura, or Uka’s father might faint. Or call the police
#Anime #HoneyLemonSoda
Ishimori Gets Those Digits In This ‘#HoneyLemonSoda’ #Anime Clip http://dlvr.it/TJNYVh
Das #Anime #Streaming Programm für Mittwoch, den 05.03.
Heute u.a. mit der letzten Folge #DanmachiV und neuen Folgen #MagicMaker, #GrisaiaPhantomTrigger und #HoneyLemonSoda!
Confessing Her Love to His Ex-Girlfriend In This ‘#HoneyLemonSoda’ #Anime Clip http://dlvr.it/TJG9DC
Tonally #HoneyLemonSoda is reminding me in some ways of #SayILoveYou, albeit with less dark backstories.
Ok, so there’s a romance anime called #HoneyLemonSoda that I’m quite enjoying at the moment.
They Made Her Cry in Front of the Whole School In This ‘#HoneyLemonSoda’ #Anime Clip http://dlvr.it/TJ62TD