Number of active instances: 618
Number of users: 1 733 660
Number of posts: 12 976 289
Number of comments: 24 326 691
Number of users last 4h: 185
Number of posts last 4h: 2178
Number of comments last 4h: 2764
Eta zuek #Lemmy erabiltzen duzue?
Gog und Lemmy sind an sich schon gute Gründe sie zu verwenden. DRM freie Spiele, pflege von alten Titeln bei #GOG und kostenfreie API-Nutzung bei #Lemmy.
#BuyEuropean ist da nur noch ein weiterer Grund.
Are there any high quality #lemmy communities you frequent? Seems like most of the stuff there is low grade equivalents to r/funny, r/pictures, r/memes slop
Statue of Lemmy Kilmister at France's Hellfest.
The Messiah.
I saw them live in front of stage and was deaf for three days.
#HeavyMetal #Metalhead #MetalHeads #Music #RockNRoll #Motorhead #Lemmy #LemmyKilmister
Additional images of AOC and Bernie from their "Fight the Oligarchy"-tour.
Hi @ssatagop !
Great question. First, you should be able to log into with your mastodon creds. If you can't, please send me a DM so we can sort that out.
Regarding unified login - that would be #OIDC ( support. Mastodon does support it, and looks like #Lemmy too. And, I could support OIDC on the members site too. (And #bluesky seems to be moving in the direction of OIDC too.)
The vision is to also have deeper integration between the various services too.
As with most things, it comes down to time and money as I'd need to either purchase the SaaS services of an OIDC provider - or, to set up a OIDC server myself (probably using Keycloak.)
With some more financial contributions, an OIDC server could be feasible, but that's yet possible in the moment.
I am, however, optimistic that folks will find value with the members site, and will be eager join/continue their contributions, to make that possible. (And I have some additional benefits/features in the pipeline for the members site too.)
Braucht man bei #Sharkey nicht, dafür gibt es dort die Funktion Seiten / Pages, sieht dann zum Beispiel so auf
Ansonsten würde ich dafür eher einen #Lemmy Account empfehlen, da kann man auch beliebig lange Artikel schreiben.