Hello there! Thanks for following Hermetic Library here, or however you see this post … Howdy!
Mainly I post links to my site and blog.
If you've enjoyed anything I post, I bet you'd like other stuff too. Come check things out!
You've made it! Howdy! This is one of my preferred social platforms, where you are likely to actually see my posts! You can find all the others on the main library site index and contact page, if you're into that kind of thing. I won't kink shame.
Do you want to get back to the old, weird, indie Internet?! Consider helping those trying to keep the dream alive! Budget even just $10 a month, find 10 creators doing things you enjoy, and pledge $1 each in recurring patronage. Join the $10 revolution!
Support whatever you like with what amount you are able. Your patronage doesn't even have to include me, obvs … but, you know, I'd be ever so grateful if it did, ngl …
Here's some links to other various thoughts I've had over the years about ways you might actively participate. If you're drawn to any of these, or if you have any other ideas not mentioned, let me know!
Join the erudite and beatific few who help make everything I do happen for everyone else! Please consider becoming a Patron to help keep the library, cats, and me going, with even just $1/mo in the tip jar.
#MutualAid #BasicIncome