@futurebird this - so much this.
I have to tell people that #thinktanks, #brainrot and advantageous framing is older than the TV, older than the radio.
The parents of #liberals and #conservatives were the #liberalists, who were groomed by the #aristocracy and the #barons.
Words like #freemarket basically translate to markets controlled centrally by a few monopolists in an exploitative #RaceToTheBottom, where one or several entities become #KingOfTheHole.
Don’t expect any significant technological #innovation in the #EU anytime soon.
#ECB President Lagarde rejects bitcoin for Eurozone reserves while the Czech central bank considers it and more
Wow. After some 60+ years the Society for Technical Communication (STC) has folded. I’ve been a member for more than 20 years.
This is a reflection on the importance (or lack thereof) of documentation particularly in the software industry, but also hardware, manufacturing, etc. This was once seen as crucial for customer support, but now it’s just an expense to spend as little on as possible.
#enshittification #RIPSTC #techcomm #documentation #racetothebottom
I find it hard to explain to my #Swedish friends why #IKEA has #enshittified furniture in general.
They set the #market precedent that has now had an effect on the entire #furniture #industry as a whole, invariably ensuring we throw away and buy furniture at a much faster rate than ever before.
It's all apart of the #modern #racetothebottom which is imposed by #capitalism.
#Australia: airport employees #strike against outsourcing, elimination of full-time and permanent employment
Here is my cloud running amtibrowser thin client thin shell apps language agnostic (ada,cobol,awk,bash,sed etc) after ripping out all the bloated sht mmaps and buffering. dependencies are C and sockets and thats it. No effen fonts, no bloated abstractions no windows manager #winning cc @quantensalat for your amusement @bunnyhero #RaceToTheBottom
@nullagent Sadly, this seems all too common for universities today. They often profit from a lot of unpaid labor, which is a reflection of how the shift toward profit-driven models has impacted the pursuit and sharing of knowledge. It's a far cry from the original mission of these institutions. #Education #UnpaidLabor #HigherEd #racetothebottom
Why farmers in Europe, but not farmers in North America, are getting vaccinated for bird flu, since bird flu is outbreaking their cattle and their farm cats:
#SocialMediaSociety "Social Media Society"
#RealityTwitter #RealityX
#CompetitiveDehumanization ++
December 11, 2024
"Twitter is competition to be a "pick me" class traitor to the capital owning class, Elon specifically. Its the worst people saying the worst things to win the approval of the worst person."
Met Chinese dumpshops moet je niet willen concurreren. Die moeten we gewoon verbieden in EU.#raceToTheBottom
#Volkswagen plans to close 3 plants, cut wages: not just an assault on you, workers who generate billions in profits, but also entire communities
TIP: If you use Microsoft Edge browser, do not use [X] to close it, as you do with every app ever made in the history of the universe.
Locate the nearly-hidden tiny 3 dots and select "Close Microsoft Edge" from the dropdown.
Otherwise, if you close it with [X] as 100% of people are likely to do, it keeps a list of garbage processes running in the background.
#ETUC on US election: we need a #Europe which can stand-up for our social economy, not #deregulation policies that destroy quality jobs and create the hyper #inequality that lays behind today’s result
#RaceToTheBottom, US newspapers edition:
via @dangillmor
@NJWookie despite the wealth gap (which I’d argue is more a function of #libertarian ideas,) I’d counter that businesses can be efficient: as good as #capitalism’s #racetothebottom is for consumers, it is hard on businesses. Government doesn’t have such incentives
The place of government is to do what businesses can’t and what may go against human nature (I.e. #PrisonersDilemma): armed forces, build roads, basic science, regulate/incentivize for the future (I.e. clean energy)
“He knew he had hidden depths. There was nothing in them that he'd like to see float to the surface.”
Terry Pratchett; The Fifth Elephant
#Discworld #Jenrick #ToryFlotsam #ToryLeadershipContest #RaceToTheBottom
Wereldwijde minimumbelasting: ‘America first’ en Europa toch weer op achterstand.
Haven't caught sight of a postie here for 5 days or more. No mail. Have Royal Mail given up here? #RaceToTheBottom #WhereIsMyMailDude
"Bedrijven en de private equity claimen snel de markt. Vervolgens willen ze alleen overblijven en dan de marges vergroten. Zo kunnen ze winst maken."
Deze buisiness-strategie heb ik nooit begrepen. Misschien dat het zo werkt met veel fysieke winkels oid. Maar als je in zo’n fluïde markt zit als deelscooters of bezorging, dan kan het eerste het beste bedrijf met een appje op de telefoon toch weer de concurrentie met je aangaan?! #raceToTheBottom https://nos.nl/artikel/2534501-go-sharing-haalt-duizenden-deelscooters-van-straat