PublicFeb 20Cindy @TrueBlue4THREE#TheDailyMotivator #RalphMarston Daily Motivator - Good optionsWherever you happen to be coming from, you can point yourself toward where you want to be, and re-commit yourself to getting there. 0
PublicFeb 19Cindy @TrueBlue4THREE#TheDailyMotivator #RalphMarston Daily Motivator - Balance distraction and focusYour mind thrives on stimulation and it also thrives on quiet nurturing. Offer it plenty of both, in balanced measure. 1
PublicFeb 18Cindy @TrueBlue4THREE#TheDailyMotivator #RalphMarston Daily Motivator - Enduring purposeAt some point you will be forced to call upon purpose, and the more of it you've seeded into your life, the better. 0
PublicFeb 17Cindy @TrueBlue4THREE#TheDailyMotivator #RalphMarston Daily Motivator - Good connectionsFind and establish those good connections that make your actions more effective and your experiences more meaningful. 0
PublicFeb 15Cindy @TrueBlue4THREE#TheDailyMotivator #RalphMarston Daily Motivator - More positive futureWhat choices and efforts in your past have proven to enhance your life today? What actions and priorities right now are likely to bring similar value in the future? 1
PublicFeb 14Cindy @TrueBlue4THREE#TheDailyMotivator #RalphMarston Daily Motivator - Fresh inspirationAt any point in time you're just moments away from being positively inspired. Act as though you're inspired, and you truly will be. 0
PublicFeb 13Cindy @TrueBlue4THREE#TheDailyMotivator #RalphMarston Daily Motivator - Seek to understandIt matters little what you have, if you don't also have understanding. 0
PublicFeb 12Cindy @TrueBlue4THREE#TheDailyMotivator #RalphMarston Daily Motivator - Inspired by hopeGo forward knowing that your hope is not empty because you are participating in its fulfillment. 0
PublicFeb 11Cindy @TrueBlue4THREE#TheDailyMotivator #RalphMarston Daily Motivator - OvercorrectionSometimes a drastic change of direction is entirely called for. Once you make that change, however, seek steadiness and sustainability. 0
PublicFeb 10Cindy @TrueBlue4THREE#TheDailyMotivator #RalphMarston Daily Motivator - Engage yourselfYou're at your best when you act, when you interact, when you join in, listen, speak, commit your time and skills. 0
PublicFeb 8Cindy @TrueBlue4THREE#TheDailyMotivator #RalphMarston Daily Motivator - Complain onceComplain once, with clarity and specificity. Then, armed with all the details about what's wrong, work to improve the situation. 0
PublicFeb 7Cindy @TrueBlue4THREE#TheDailyMotivator #RalphMarston Daily Motivator - Greater than youWhat serves to direct your awareness beyond you, can also enrich you in ways you may have never considered. 0
PublicFeb 6Cindy @TrueBlue4THREE#TheDailyMotivator #RalphMarston Daily Motivator - Purposeful intentionInject purposeful intention into your experience at every turn. 0
PublicFeb 5Cindy @TrueBlue4THREE#TheDailyMotivator #RalphMarston Daily Motivator - Beyond discouragementDiscouragement can all too often be a part of your experience. Yet it doesn't ever have to become a part of who you are. 0
PublicFeb 4Cindy @TrueBlue4THREE#TheDailyMotivator #RalphMarston Daily Motivator - The courage to answerEach time, whether it's yes or no, have the courage to answer and to move positively forward with that answer. 0
PublicFeb 3Cindy @TrueBlue4THREE#TheDailyMotivator #RalphMarston Daily Motivator - Self kindnessAt any moment, you're one act of self kindness away from a more productive, creative, generous and compassionate you. 0
PublicFeb 1Cindy @TrueBlue4THREE#TheDailyMotivator #RalphMarston Daily Motivator - Expect a positive outcomeWhatever you may be experiencing, there's some way to turn it to your advantage. Expect a positive outcome, then set about to fulfill your expectation. 0
PublicJan 31Cindy @TrueBlue4THREE#TheDailyMotivator #RalphMarston Daily Motivator - Respect the detailsNever presume that the details are beneath you. For the details are what enable everything you do. 0
PublicJan 30Cindy @TrueBlue4THREE#TheDailyMotivator #RalphMarston Daily Motivator - Seek claritySpecifically what do you want, specifically why, to what real, detailed, meaningful end? 0
PublicJan 29Cindy @TrueBlue4THREE#TheDailyMotivator #RalphMarston Daily Motivator - Desirable destinationCreate a powerful, desirable destination and you'll have more than enough of what it takes to get there. 0