Remembering Leonard Nimoy who was born on this date in 1931. #StarTrek #StarTrekTOS #StarTrekFilm #StarTrekTNG #StarTrekDiscovery #StarTrekProdigy #IDIC #Quote

Remembering Leonard Nimoy who was born on this date in 1931. #StarTrek #StarTrekTOS #StarTrekFilm #StarTrekTNG #StarTrekDiscovery #StarTrekProdigy #IDIC #Quote
Far from being "kid stuff", these episodes prove #StarTrekProdigy is a masterful animated series with high stakes and great character development.
Who Saves the Saviors? ist da! Eine Folge mit mehr Zeitreise-Paradoxen als Janeway erträgt, einem echten „Zurück in die Zukunft“-Moment und Star Trek’s beliebtestem Hobby: Rituelle Kämpfe! Jetzt hören:
Dr. Boons: "What about you? Do you believe, Dal R'El?
From E113
Dr. Boons: "I know what you must think of us--our facility's poor, our knowledge woefully incomplete. En Son told my ancestors of your Prime Directive, how we weren't ready for your technology or ideas. We know we're not Star-Flight, but you don't need a real ship to believe in what it stands for"
From E113
James'T: "Welcome, my Fed'ration brethren, to New Enda-Prize"
The first time I watched this episode, I didn't really care for it. But after multiple re-watches, it has become one of my top favorite Prodigy episodes.
From E113
Dal: "Despite this setback, we decided as long as we have the Protostar, we can still help others, which has led us to a mysterious M-Class planet in need of help"
One of many examples of the selflessness of this amazing crew.
From E113
Dal: "One minute, we were full of hope to join Starfleet. Then poof...that dream is dead....because our ship has a weapon that'll wipe the Federation off the galactic map"
From E113
Admiral Janeway: "Whomever stole the Protostar did this to our guest and destroyed that station. This is no longer a rescue mission. It's a manhunt"
From E113
On today's #GreatestTrek, if you think Jellico runs a tight ship, you should see his rec room!
Listen to the full episode at
Zero: "We may not be ready for Starfleet, but we're ready to take your oders, Captain"
Dal: "Then let's do some good"
From E112
Rok: "We have Zero back, and that's enough for me"
From E112
I had an "oh I'm an adult" moment a while ago. I was watching S2 of #StarTrekProdigy and the cadets were doing great work problem solving. And I kept thinking to myself, "they should take this to the senior officers. They would totally appreciate the info and help them."
That is so not kid thinking, because as a kid it feels like, adults aren't approachable, are stuck in their ways, and not likely to offer assistance. That's what all the kids movies of 80's and 90's taught me at least.
Of all the #StarTrekProdigy memes I’ve seen, this one hits the hardest for me.
Rok: "Zero's back!"
Gwyn: "I thought we lost you"
Zero: "I've already found my collective"
From E112
Zero: "I will resist because I'm already a part of a collective that is stronger than you will ever be!"
From E112
Gwyn: "We all get hurt, Zero. It's the risk we take for revealing pieces of ourselves to each other, but what you did, trying to protect me, was an act of love, and you should never feel ashamed for that. If there's any part still listening, protect us again, Zero. Break free from their hold. Resistance is not futile"
From E112