#hobbystreak day 125
Today is an Ork day. Alternating between two armies is actually working out well for me, I might keep it up.
Didn’t need it. But, you know… I wanted it… volume 2. It simply had to be done (purchased). #Miniature, #Miniatures, #WarhammerCommunity, #MiniaturePainting, #Wargaming, #paintingMiniatures, #WarHamFam #PaintingWarhammer, #JohnBlanche, #ArmyPainter, #MasterClass
My goal was to get two bezerkers done after the weekend, but 1.5 is good enough! Getting back onto the warhammer grind after settling in after my move #WorldEaters #warhammer #warhammer40k #taleofanonlinewarlord #warhammerCommunity #paintslam24
First preview of the Adepticon preview is up
Looks like Tyranid terrain. Mainline 40K isn’t due anything ‘nid related as we’re still in the Codex release cycle.
Kill Team is just starting to approach the time when it gets a new terrain set. Could we see Gallowdark replaced with a Tyranid Hive Fleet?
I find myself nostalgic for Advanced Space Crusade, a game I never managed to get my hands on.
I'm still quite proud of the Soul Forged King set I painted for a commission back in 2023! #WarhammerCommunity
Here are the three medium large models that I used as various things for the old csm army. The middle one is a very random conversion that I did when I found an inquisitor karamazov throne piece and a scribe servitor in someones bitz bin. I put the servitor on the throne, added some ghoul hands and glowying rocks, chains and a tzeentch icon and used him as a tzeentch daemon prince for a while. No idea what I'm gonna use him as in heresy, but I'm gonna try and find something.
#warhammer #warhammer40k #warhammercommunity #miniaturepainting #paintingminiatures #ChaosSpaceMarines
#thehorusheresy #blackshields
Monday morning Warhammer quiz! 1. Which of these Warhammer Records albums was released first? Find the answer in the replies and the rest of this week's free quiz on my Patreon: patreon.com/JordanSorcery #WarhammerCommunity #Quizhammer
Finished up the Imperial Knights Combat Patrol, starting out with this Warglaive, armed with a Heavy Stubber
Been working on these Armigers for the #HobbyStreak days 448 & 449
#warhammer40k #warhammercommunity folks. Does the helmet on this conversion look too small?
So it begins. First army project in a few years. Test models to start, and basing first.
While there'll be some unit fillers in plastic, it's predominantly old metal. Fun to see the scale difference between old and new!
Aus gegebenen Anlass bin ich dieses Wochenende zu nicht viel kreativen gekommen.
Aber ich habe es zumindest geschafft, vier meiner #sylvaneth #Miniaturen fertig zu stellen. Das heißt, die letzten Schwämmchen auf die Astspitzen zu kleben.
Zumindest ein bisschen Fortschritt
Die Idee mit den Schwämmen habe ich von einigen Artist auf Reddit und Printerest
Lots of grey plastic in this one — hastily constructed Phobos vs. Blades of Khaine. A hilarious bloodbath of a game, thoroughly recommend this matchup of two teams where every activation ruins someone’s day.
10-9 to the Space Marines — one model left each, and went down to the last activation!