This is the vibe of now for me and these snowy trees and this mad cold dark.
Heading out into sweet snowy field holding my baby's poetry poles amidst our spruce wood here in WildAir.
The morning glimpse of Long Cove on way to teach.
Modest midwinter high tide on our paradise shores of Tenants Harbor.
My baby does painted poetry poles encircling the clearing in front of our cabin.
Our first fire of the winter in our Wild Air cabin in Tenants Harbor.
Our latest note from WildAir via HereFromAway.
We have a mama heron nesting above the pond near WildAir
Moss patch in spruce wood bearing two newcomers in crux of fallen birch.
Ready to feed this summer's first batch of composted kitchen stuff to the waiting and ready tomatoes.
The sun-up view from the cabin porch thru our little forest by the cove.
Glinting June sun thru gleaming spruce wood outside our cabin.
The still wintry sun rising over the wood within which our little cabin wakes.
Looking out over the moss-covered quarry detritus thru the pines towards Long Cove, Tenants Harbor.
Back in the hood on a stellar day of bright cold blue
Brilliant peak through trees over lobster boats out to open sea.
My daughter Fiona vidcapped some slayin cabin propaganda this morning.
The post dawn view of the pine woods outside the cabin.