Greetings world,
We are #Anonymous.
There have been many people questioning why we’re taking a side in politics, thinking that Anonymous has “never been political.” As activists who have always backed the marginalized and backed grass roots democracy movements throughout the world we find it strange that there are some that try to push the narrative that we “never take sides” or that we have “never been political”. Those people are pushing a false narrative of our collective intentionally.
From attacking far right wing Nazi and FBI informant Hal Turner, to destroying the insane far right Westboro Baptist Church cult, to waging a cyber-war against the fascist governments of Russia and Israel – how is it that anyone could ever think we were not taking a side?
We have been very involved in politics globally. We have embraced the overthrow of dictators and have always championed democracy and the voice of the people.
When we see a leader in the world rise to power and they conflict with democracy, and blatantly tell people that “they’ll never have to vote again”, we absolutely take notice. We would never promote a candidate that is against women’s rights, against the LGBTQ community, who is pro censorship, who has consistently shown the world exactly how evil they are over and over. So no. Donald Trump can go f**k himself.
While we absolutely have issues with centrists, and the democratic party who are also funded and backed by pharmaceutical companies, big oil, and banks – they’re not the party trying to take civil rights away from people.
We want society to progress, not regress back into an age of suppression and bigotry.
We are Anonymous,
We are Legion.
We do not forgive,
We do not forget
Expect us. by #YAN