A hundred years ago, would Google Maps have renamed the Mediterranean Sea "Mare Nostrum" at the behest of the then government of Italy?
That idea #agedlikemilk back then, didn't it?
Susan Collins Claims Trump Has Learned His Lesson
Old Usenet posts reacting to the premiere of "SpongeBob SquarePants", 1999
GOP House Rep Mike Collins test of who won the debate
“For the first time in many of our lives, actually Britain looks like a little haven of peace and stability”
- Andrew Marr, LBC Host and Political Editor at The New Statesman (July 2024)
#TheSimpsons clip originally aired January 31, 1999 Nelson asks postal worker if he has ever gone a killing spree. Postal worker laughs it off saying "gun wielding postal workers went out with the Macarena" and Principal Skinner adds "I'm just glad I work in an elementary school"
#AgedLikeMilk #SchoolShootings #guns #2ndAmendment #GunViolence #GunControl #ThingsThatMakeYouGoHmm
@emarktaylor @hnom @hockey #agedlikemilk material right there.