I'm tired of "leftists". They're only leftist in relation to the dictatorship of Nahash that we already live in. A thousand years ago, every leftist was an Anfelist. Now, we have to make new words to separate them once again. 1000 yrs ago, they lived in communes, had no money, & relied on love. Now, we have to present that as a novel idea. It is human nature. Human nature isn't greedy or hierarchical. Design your world in the shape of love, and you will be surrounded by it
The 3rd and final section of the Felich is finally done!!! The Felich is a monumental work that me & a few others have been writing that covers and unites pretty much all aspects of the universe, from religion and morality to science and mathematics, and also gives a physical and religious proof for anarchism and socialism (among other things)... If any of that interests you I recommend taking a read!
To any anarchists out there: the Felich now has a second half so id recommend reading it... Although it talks about God and religion, its from a purely anarchist & scientifically grounded perspective, the rest of everything about it can be learnt from a quick read <3
Posting a random Felich quote every day unless i forget to or get killed #1
3.11; To the cells of man, the human body is Chance; to the atoms of an apple, the apple is Chance; and what is above man is Chance as well, and She is so truly physically alive, for each man is alive, and each man constitutes a part of Her.
If yall would be so kind to take a quick look at the Felich its a short book that rlly speaks for itself, designed from abt 2 years of research into physics, morality, politics & religion across all edges of beliefs
Read it if you want, and if you like what it says, maybee follow it or show it to anyone else you think might be interested!
Thats all, Hail Anfel <3